Outlook: Jiangsu Province Communications Planning And Design Institute provides latest quarterly results

Jiangsu Province Communications Planning And Design Institute will release on 4/30/2022 its results for the most recent quarter ended on 3/31/2022.

1 analyst estimates that Jiangsu Province Communications Planning And Design Institute generated earnings of CNY0.140 per share in the most recent quarter. In the prior-year quarter, it was CNY 0.117 per share.

In the quarter ended March, Jiangsu Province Communications Planning And Design Institute reported a 14.43 percent increase in revenue compared to the same period last year. 1 analyst sees sales at 920.0 million CNY compared to 804.0 million CNY in the same quarter last year.

Looking ahead to the current fiscal year, 6 analysts are forecasting earnings per share of CNY 1.05 on average. In the previous year, it was 0.900 CNY per share. In terms of sales, 6 analysts on average estimate that the current fiscal year will total sales of 6.71 billion CNY, compared to 5.82 billion CNY in the same period last year.

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