Out of the wind | column Daniel Lohues

Behind the house, out of the wind, in the sun. That’s nice to sit like that. On Buienradar I saw that heavy rain is coming. If I hadn’t seen that, I’d say it would stay such beautiful weather all day long. That is with more things you read online. It’s that you know disaster is coming. But you wouldn’t tell if you just looked around. Lately the weather has often been nicer than they predict anyway. Should you see that as a stroke of luck? Or just the way it goes? The latter often seems like a good idea. Just see how it goes. But having no expectations is also so boring. Rejoicing is also a beautiful side of life. Sometimes you turn out afterwards to have been a rabbit that has been hung a carrot. And then it also matters whether that carrot was presented to you by someone else, or by yourself.

I feel a muscle twitch in my arm. I can feel my skin going up and down there a bit. But as soon as I look, the muscle calms down again. When I peer at the horizon a little later, I feel the muscle go again. I keep my head still, but look at my arm with skewed eyes. For a moment I see my skin moving in a small spot. Just a minute. So much is happening that you feel is happening. Without seeing it.

The scents of spring open shutters in my head. Memories. If you had spent all afternoon in a musty classroom and then finally were allowed to walk out of school at half past four, that spring smell came in extra hard. You weren’t doing that then. Only now do I smell it again and think of then. That I went to visit grandpa. He had already dug up a whole piece of vegetable garden. I saw him sow. A certain pass over the loose, black ground. With a fluid movement of his arm and hand, he sprinkled something. I don’t actually know what. Could also have been fertilizer. Suddenly I hear from the past and yet so close to grandma’s voice. Tea!

Behind the house, out of the wind, in the sun. I just made a pot of tea. Some dandelion fluff floats by. It has started to blow a little harder. I see clouds coming in the distance. It was nice to sit like that.
