Out after more than 23 years: Fischer resigns as Eintracht President at the beginning of the year

Status: 05/05/2023 3:54 p.m

An era ends at Eintracht Frankfurt. Peter Fischer will vacate his presidential post early next year and retire early. His reason: In the past few weeks, limits have been exceeded.

The eighth term will be his last: Peter Fischer will resign as President of Eintracht Frankfurt at the beginning of next year and make his post available. Eintracht confirmed this on Friday morning, Fischer had previously informed the employees about his move. A new president will then be elected at the next general meeting in January 2024.

Fischer looks back on successful and strenuous times

“I have put a lot of strength and energy into the office and the club over the past 23 years,” Fischer is quoted as saying in the statement. “If someone had told me when I took office in 2000 what milestones we can look back on today, I certainly wouldn’t have believed it.”

As successful as the past few years have been for Fischer and Eintracht, they have also been exhausting for Fischer. “That demanded a lot from me, also in terms of my health,” he said.

Eintracht coach Oliver Glasner paid tribute to Fischer’s services to the club on Friday. “He breathes, feels and lives unity,” said Glasner at the press conference before the Hoffenheim game. “This passion really got me excited.” Glasner finds the withdrawal “a shame”, but can understand the motives. “Peter isn’t 25 anymore,” says Glasner. Fischer belongs to Eintracht like the mascot Attila.

Fishermen’s cocaine investigation

Fischer, who had repeatedly and clearly positioned himself against discrimination and racism during his tenure and is particularly popular with Eintracht fans, was last nationwide because of one alleged cocaine affair in the headlines and in the sights of the public prosecutor. The allegations were dropped after weeks of investigation, Fischer spoke of a “character assassination campaign”.

In his statement, the 67-year-old did not explicitly go into this period, but he emphasized that the past few weeks and months had put a lot of strain on him. Fischer noticed that he had to take more care of his family and protect them. “Although I have repeatedly emphasized that I am aware that the private individual Peter Fischer no longer exists, but the past few weeks have crossed borders,” he explains his withdrawal.

Beck is to become Fischer’s successor

The successor to Fischer, who has been President of Eintracht Frankfurt since 2000 and only re-elected last September was to be Mathias Beck. The 52-year-old is currently a member of the board of directors and has been a member of the football department since 1996. “I didn’t just get to know him as a Eintracht-mad, but in particular as a calm and future-oriented person,” said Fischer, who already suggested Beck as an additional vice-president.

Until the expected takeover in January 2024, Fischer will continue to manage the fortunes of the association.
