Our renunciation regulars’ table – BZ reporter in self-experiment

By Isabel Pfannkuche, Danilo Gladow, Oliver Ohmann and Mary-Lou Künzel

Four BZ reporters have been without meat, cigarettes, alcohol or sweets for eleven days now – they still have almost three weeks to go. They clarify how they feel about it at the regulars’ table. In a smoking bar!

Danilo Gladow (cigarettes): “Not smoking is going very well! I was a bit afraid of the weekend. Because you have more time and meet smoking friends playing football. What has definitely helped me is that I have found acceptance. Are you standing in the supermarket now and trying here and there not only to eat sweets but also foods that contain processed sugar, Oliver?”

Oliver Ohmann (sweets): “I’m actually getting a little bit into what’s up with sugar swaps now. Candies without sugar, biscuits without sugar. I’ve tried it, but now it doesn’t really do anything. How about you without meat, Mary-Lou?”

Mary-Lou Künzel (meat): “I didn’t eat that much meat before either. Sometimes it’s a bit harder when ordering food. But I cook vegetarian myself.”

Oh man: “I think it’s such a secret, cooking it yourself, isn’t it?”

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Kunzel: “Yes, that’s fine. I haven’t tried any meat alternatives yet. But I still want to.”

Isabel pancake (alcohol): “The vegan cordon bleu tastes really good – even if you realize that it’s not real.”

Oh man: “Are you actually drinking non-alcoholic beer now?”

pancake: “I actually tried it. I’ve stood on the soccer field with it a couple of times. But that was also pretty bad, because alcohol has the advantage that it warms you up. It didn’t warm at all. And it was freezing cold in Berlin.”
