“Our message is ‘can’t wait to see you again’. Really”

Two years ago, this was going to be the tour for the album ‘Fuego’ and Estopa’s 20th anniversary. Keep it up?

David Muñoz: Now it’s one of the greatest hits of ‘Fuego’, and we’ll also do quite a few songs from throughout history, recovering some that we haven’t played for a long time. The spirit is going to be the same: party, and sing, and play, and share, and create a ritual there.

Jose Muñoz: On last year’s tour, with reduced capacity and masks, we put together a repertoire so that people wouldn’t start jumping. We didn’t touch ‘Paseo’, because it encourages a hug. Now yes. It is a much wilder repertoire than last year. And we recover some song from the original demo, prior to the first album.

Like which?

JM Better surprise, right?

DM We can say it: ‘Princess’. A song about the breakup of a courtship between 17-18 years old, very young. It’s a naive song. It makes us very funny to see our selves from the past. We are no longer like that…, but a little, yes. It’s a rumba song, a ballad…

They are going to perform for the first time in the Parc del Fòrum, and in a large format, for 25,000 people, which is almost like a Palau Sant Jordi and a half.

DM It will be like Primavera Sound, but only us performing. It is our record in Barcelona. In Malaga we once played for more than 30,000. And in Barcelona we had never performed outdoors. We have already sold 24,000 tickets, and the rate is 400 a day…

We don’t like contests, compete. It’s a stress. We would never go to Eurovision

The Eurovision Song Contest is going to be counterprogrammed.

DM I just found out. We have never seen it. I know that with the Benidorm Fest there was something viral, and an explosion of girl groups. cool. But we don’t like contests, compete. It’s a stress. We would never go.

An outdoor Estopa concert, without masks or distances, is a good photo of post-pandemic liberation.

DM is very special. I am very nervous. This time I imagine that there is an emotional component, that there is a lot of desire, as much as we do. The message of this Fòrum concert is “I want to see you again”. Really.

I don’t know if it’s the best day for these football similes. Are they down?

DM You have to congratulate them [al Real Madrid]. It’s not luck. They have Modric, Benzema… When it’s time to congratulate, it’s time to congratulate, and there’s no more. And they will win.

They have recorded ‘Camiseta de rokanrol’ with Fito and Fitipaldis. As was?

DM Already when we made the song we said “it hits Fito a lot & rdquor ;, and with the pandemic we have dedicated ourselves to making collaborations. With Fito and Amaral in ‘Awakening’. And we have another saved, with Beret. A song composed with him, at 33%.

JM sent us half a song through ‘whatsapp’. “Finish it yourselves & rdquor ;.

DM That easy. It’s called ‘Diablo’ and it will be the first ‘single’ from his next album. Bert is interesting. It amuses me how he composes. It is very direct. And he raps really well. It has a certain style.

They had never composed songs with other authors.

DM It is the first time and it will be with Beret. And by ‘whatsapp’. Now another compositional collaboration is pending, with C. Tangana.

C. Tangana asked us to collaborate on ‘Ingobernable’. We liked the song, but we were not for the job. Of rage. we should have been

Is it true that C. Tangana asked you to collaborate on ‘El madrileño’ and you didn’t see it clearly?

DM In ‘Ungovernable’, yes. We liked the song, but we were not for the job. It was the worst time of the pandemic, man. We did not see clearly. Makes me angry, huh? Because we should have been. But look, it wasn’t our time.

JM It was a time when we didn’t even get together.

DM But we sang it at Sant Jordi with him and we got rid of the thorn. He told us “if I have composed it for you, assholes & rdquor ;.

He said it there: “Half of my album is written with Estopa in mind.”

D. M. Yes, yes, I stayed… How good. Because we have been on the album without being. And it’s the album of the year, for me.

JM The song for Kiko Veneno is a tailored suit for Kiko, and the same with Calamaro’s, Ketama’s, Drexler’s… He got into the idiosyncrasies of each composer.

How did you experience Tangana’s concert at Sant Jordi from the stage?

DM I was with my headphones and I didn’t know anything. Then I saw videos where people applauded when we left and all that. “The golden minute of the concert”, they told me, with ‘Tu calorro’. I didn’t get it. I was surprised that such a young audience for C. Tangana liked ‘Tu calorro’. This Tangana of now, castizo, I like more than the one before. He has gone to the rumba, which is always joy. And the people here carry it in their genes.

The rumba, which always returns.

JM It’s a cyclical thing.

DM It reminded me of our first album, when rumba was not in fashion and suddenly we were quite successful there. We do rumba with other things, turning it around, and Tangana has done the same by taking another path. With rumba, life is always more beautiful. It’s like a contagious laugh.

Was the pandemic favorable to the creation of songs?

DM We have eight new songs. Jose has built a studio in a room in his house, and we quietly record the demos there.

JM We started when the hard quarantine ended, which was when we started seeing each other. The pandemic took our stress away.

Don’t let the world end now. This weekend is not going well for us

New album in sight?

JM We have thought of a two-piece project. First we want to release the demo where ‘Princess’, ‘Míriam’, ‘Sentirdifferent’ were… We don’t want them to stay there on the internet. The idea is to record them without a great production, respecting a little the demo sound, but they don’t sound bad. And then take out the new disk. Like a double album, but separately.

DM His thing would be to release the old first and three months later the new.

JM For 2023 the model, and 2024 the other.

The pandemic lends itself to those ‘stopera’ songs about bad dreams. Has anyone been on that line?

DM Yes, yes, dreamlike… There is one that says: “That the noise of this confinement does not let me hear the dogs that bark from the heart & rdquor ;. full pandemic.

JM But it will be one of the few references to the pandemic.

Beyond this tour, what awaits you?

DM In 2023 we may continue, with a little trip to Argentina, Chile, Uruguay… And to Venezuela, which can now go again.

JM And let’s hope we have 50 years of peace. Carpe diem, more than ever.

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DM Don’t let the world end now. This weekend is not going well for us.
