Our Lady’s Church gets a museum experience about the Battle of the Golden Spurs

Our Lady’s Church gets a museum experience about the Battle of the Golden Spurs

The Church of Our Lady brings the history of 1302 back to life for a wide audience. With respect for the sacred atmosphere of the church, visitors will be immersed with stories about the Battle of the Golden Spurs.

County of Flanders

Three substantive focuses are central: the Battle of the Golden Spurs, the emergence of the County of Flanders and the Flemish sense of identity. The visitor will not only learn something about the conflict between the French king and the count of Flanders, but also about the circumstances in which the battle took place, the way of waging war, the weapons used….

It is also the place where myths are dismantled and all kinds of spicy details are given. (Read more below the photos.)
