Oud-Staflid Witte Huis done in a derogatory manner for the Commission’s commission: “Trump wilde meanoen aan storming Capitool” | Buitenland

This is what he says on NAVO-top in Madrid: “Vanuit my standpoint is het al een succes”, says De Croo

The NAVO-top is op dit moment bezig met zijn strategic lijn vast te leggen voor de Komende tien jaar. There is also a change in the role of Russia. “In 2010 before the country had another partner, now there was a change.” For the premier Alexander De Croo (Open Vld) is the NAVO-top in the Spanish Madrid now only spoken, with the agreement of the day that the way before Finland and Zweden is toe treden. “As ever all bent in de wereld nu, ben je bang of wil je lid werden van de NAVO.”

