Oud-President Trump gaat in beroep tegen vonnis over dwangsom | Buitenland

The American oud-president Donald Trump is in the process of doing so because he has a demand for 10,000 dollars per day when he does not want to touch the iron of the law, as recently reported to CNN.

A right in New York states that the American President Donald Trump is entitled to a civil right to a number of groups of 10,000 dollars per day. The moet hey betalen as hey blijft refuse derechtbank bookkeeping and fiscale documents for the leggen.

Procureur-generaal van New York, Letitia James, said it was from the Trump Organization that no fiscal fraud had been done. Op 17 February, a right-wing figure states that Trump has children, Donald Jr. and Ivanka, but they must do so. Trump then went into action.

Maar de Rechtbank vonniste also het voor 31 maart voorleggen van a series of books and fiscal documents around the Trump Organisation. De mijardair bleef tot nu toe in gebreke.

The prosecutor-generaal turns to the prosecution of the Hoogrechteshof in the state of New York because he is guilty of having regard to the lawfulness of the law, but not in the same way as the front of the law bank. Maar Trump went in beroep tegen dat vonnis omtrent de dwangsom. It is known that this is not the case for the reporting period, according to CNN.

The Democratische magistrate considers the group ervan op een “frauduleuze manner” de waarde van vastgoed te raise ondergewaardeerd bij het vragen van leningen aan de bank. Trump en co noemen het onderzoek politiek motivated.

Parallel to that particular case, there are also loops in Manhattan that include a criminal offense relating to possible financial fraud.
