Otto gets robots from Boston Dynamics

BOSTON (dpa-AFX) – The trading group Otto wants to make its logistics more efficient with robots from the US company Boston Dynamics. Otto will use 20 robots of the “Stretch” model, which can, for example, unload containers, said Otto manager Kay Schiebur in a media interview. In addition, ten of the four-legged “Spot” robots, which are reminiscent of a large dog, are to be delivered by Boston Dynamics in the next 24 months. Among other things, you will inspect tunnels for Otto, read device displays and detect gas or compressed air leaks based on the noise.

The unloading of containers is currently a bottleneck in logistics, said Schiebur. “At certain peak times throughout the year, it happens that 60, 70 or up to 100 containers are waiting to be unloaded,” he said.

Boston Dynamics is a pioneer in robot development, which was temporarily owned by Google (Alphabet C (ex Google)) and was taken over by the South Korean car manufacturer Hyundai (Hyundai Motor) three years ago. Videos demonstrating the capabilities of Boston Dynamics machines have been popular online for years. In addition to “Spot”, the humanoid robot “Atlas”, which can walk on two legs and carry loads, is causing a particular stir.

Over time, Otto also wants to use “Atlas” robots, said Schiebur, the board member responsible for logistics. In addition to mail order brands, the Otto Group also includes the Hermes parcel service. “Atlas” has the advantage of being strong and mobile – and having two hands, said Boston Robotics boss Robert Playter. At the same time, he added that it would be some time before the robot was marketed./so/DP/he
