Otter spotted in the Biesbosch: ‘We saw him swimming during a family outing’

Lilian Lafleur from Uden spotted an otter in the Biesbosch and captured the animal on film. That is very special, because the animal has not been seen in the nature reserve for decades.

Profile photo of Imke van de Laar
Written by

Lola ZopfiImke van de Laar

Lilian proudly shows her video. It is only 15 seconds, but there really seems to be an otter swimming through the Biesbosch. “We were on a family outing in the Biesbosch on Friday. We were sailing and suddenly saw something bobbing in the water. At first we thought it was a snake, but when we got closer, he raised his head and we saw that it was an otter.”

“An otter? That’s impossible!”

Back ashore she enthusiastically told that she had spotted an otter. But her enthusiasm was quickly tempered. “I was looked at strangely. An otter? That’s impossible! That’s a beaver”, she was told.

Once at home, Lilian decided to put a screenshot of the animal on an observation site. “Reactions soon poured in and everyone was in an uproar. It was really an otter.”

One of the people who responded immediately was Harm Blom, forester in the Biesbosch. While he can’t say with 100 percent certainty, he also thinks it was an otter. “It looks very much like an otter, but it was filmed from afar. I’m not really sure, but I sure hope so!”

“It’s been decades since an otter was last seen here.”

That the otter is probably back is very special. Years ago, the last otters were released in various places in the hope that the population would grow.

Highways and barriers just make it difficult. Because to get to the Biesbosch, the otter has to cross roads. Still, Harm remains positive. “It seems that they have reached the Biesbosch after all. It would be the first living otter that has been spotted here in decades. They are very shy, which is why you never see them.”

“It would be nice if in a few years time otters would swim along the sloops.”

Forest ranger Harm will keep a close eye on the nature reserve in the coming period. “With special cameras we can see if an otter passes by. I hope to see one soon.”

Otters have already been spotted with certainty in the vicinity of the Biesbosch. “Last weekend another one was seen at Gorinchem,” says Harm enthusiastically. “That is why it is very logical that the otter has also reached the Biesbosch. Let them come!”

Lilian is also enthusiastic. “They are great fun. It would be great if in a few years’ time young otters would swim alongside the sloops.”


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Forest ranger Harm Blom in the Biesbosch (photo by: Lola Zopfi).
Forest ranger Harm Blom in the Biesbosch (photo by: Lola Zopfi).
