OTS: Interhyp AG / Important tip to protect interest rates / Interhyp: …

Important tip to protect interest rate offer / Interhyp: Complete

and up-to-date documents are the key to securing conditions

Munich (ots) –

– In times of almost daily rising interest rates, speed and

Accuracy when submitting the documents is essential

– Only if all the necessary documents are with the lender by the deadline, has that

Interest rate offered by the bank stock

The second decimal place of the building interest changes almost daily. who in these

Weeks if you want to buy a property can be a few days apart

receive different monthly installments for the same loan amount. As soon

However, a customer receives a specific offer from a lender

received, this is valid for five to 10 days, which varies from bank to bank. “However

really have to submit all the necessary documents to the bank during this time

otherwise this interest rate offer expires,” says Mirjam Mohr, board member

Private customer business at Interhyp, Germany’s largest private broker

construction financing. And there are usually no exceptions to this: “We

We therefore recommend that you speak to a financing advisor in advance

consultants so that every document is ready to hand should the worst come to the worst.”

Interest rates on 10-year loans are down from 1% to 1.8% year-to-date

gone up. This increases with a financing requirement of 300,000 euros for

a property the monthly rate around 200 euros. That’s 2,400 euros a year and

24,000 euros in ten years.

Anyone who has finally found the right house or apartment is standing

been under considerable pressure for a long time. The scarce offer and the

Rising real estate prices are already leading to a difficult situation

for seekers. Now interest rates are also rising, almost every day. “Who in

receives a concrete loan offer from a bank these days, has a maximum

five to ten days to submit all documents. As long as she stays

condition,” says the Interhyp board member. “We know from experience that

that customers do not always have every document they want

have reach. Then there is an income tax assessment somewhere

in the attic, or for the calculation of living space, a rough floor plan of the

Property drawn by hand.” But if you miss the deadline, your condition

cannot be secured. And this can be current in the long run for the

buyers will be expensive. Mirjam Mohr: “Well prepared, that’s how

always half the battle, we recommend reading the standard documents first

to search together.”

Not every bank, savings bank or insurance company has the same specifications, but they do

All property seekers should have the following documents quickly at hand:

Personal documents

– ID card

– Payslips for the last three months (if applicable)

pension certificate)

– Bank statements for the past three months

– Official proof of equity or capital income, e.g

Account statement, deposit statement

– Income tax assessments for the past two years

– For the self-employed: current business evaluation, balance sheets

past two years

object documents

– Photos of the property (front and back)

– Construction drawing/floor plan

– Construction documents (living area calculation, view, section, building description)

– Extract from the land register (not older than three months)

– Sales contract or draft

– Energy proof

– List of the planned own contribution

– Field maps / site plan

– Evidence of planned or already implemented modernization

– Declaration of division for apartments

– Leasehold contract for leaseholds

When building a property, when buying a property as an investment, for

Modernizations or follow-up financing and debt restructuring

add other documents if necessary.

About Interhyp

The Interhyp Group is one of the leading addresses for private

Construction financing in Germany. With the Interhyp brands, which are directly related to

which is aimed at end customers, and Prohyp, which is aimed at

Individual brokers and institutional partners

the company in 2021 a financing volume of 34.2 billion euros

successfully placed with its more than 500 financing partners. At the same time connects

the Interhyp Group the performance of the self-developed

Construction financing platform Home with customer-oriented digital offers and the

multi-award-winning competence of its financing specialists

-specialists. The Interhyp Group employs around 1,700 people

employees and is personally on site for her customers at over 100 locations

and customers and partners present.

Press contact:

Caroline Neider, company spokeswoman, Interhyp AG, Domagkstraße 34, 80807

Munich, phone: +49 (89) 20307 1201, email: [email protected],


Further material: http://presseportal.de/pm/12620/5175713

OTS: Interhyp AG
