Other Moncloa Pacts?, article by Jordi Alberich

Such high and sustained inflation is fueling the need for a rent agreementunderstood as an agreement to increase wages in a limited way and agreed, accompanied, in turn, by a containment in the remuneration of capital. All this in order to avoid an uncontrolled inflationary spiral that would end up harming everyone, especially the weakest. A negotiation that we began a few weeks ago and without, for the moment, any progress having been made. A bad start that we attribute to our innate inability to reach an agreement, unlike what happened at another transcendental moment in our history with the Moncloa Pacts, to which we repeatedly appeal these days.

The Moncloa Pacts, which were decisive for hissupport the democratic transition and redirect an uncontrolled economyThey occurred in a very different context. Among other reasons, because in the 1970s Spain had a very clear goal to aspire to, that of join the social, political and economic model of the European Economic Community. Today, the situation is radically different because, already fully incorporated into the most advanced world, we are as disoriented as all our partners about how to deal with the many dysfunctions and fractures that are accumulating, without any model to which we can direct ourselves. This makes it very difficult to manage the current moment.

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As far as our inability to reach an agreement is concerned, recent experience shows another reality. Thus, despite the enormous noise, recent years have been a continuous and positive exercise in negotiation between employers and unions as well as political agreements, especially meritorious in a scenario of enormous parliamentary fragmentation. All of this should encourage us to persevere in the income agreement required by the threatening context in which we live. There will be noise and tension, but it will be reachedeven if it is in the last moment of the extra time.
