Ostend police hardly records noise violations

Ostend police hardly records noise violations

The Ostend law enforcement officers check both small and large-scale events for noise measures throughout the summer. On three of the thirteen visits, the police drew up an official report because the organizations did not adhere to the preconditions. There were previously lesser-known initiators, because big names such as Rammstein and Ostend Beach Festival adhered to the rules.

High fines

“It is important that organizers of both large and small events follow the rules carefully,” says police chief Philip Caestecker. “As soon as an event, be it the two-day Rammstein or a flea market, provides electronically amplified music, a number of preconditions regarding sound are mandatory.”

Anyone who violates the preconditions risks a fine of up to thousands of euros. First, it is mandatory for organizations to provide a decibel meter at the event. If it indicates more than 95 decibels, earplugs should also be available. The last condition is to post the maximum noise value of the party or the market on the access roads.

“Do not help them to the tuut”, the security forces urge the appointments on the busy Ostend festival calendar. In August, the police will continue to check whether the music is too loud anywhere in the seaside resort. For example, the Paulusfeesten in the city center, which are currently underway, will also be inspected.
