Ostend grabs scalp from Limburg United

Ostend grabs scalp from Limburg United

Limburg United, which needed one more win to ensure participation in the Elite Gold (top five), faced a 34-41 deficit at halftime. In the third quarter, the home team had a lead, but Oostende eventually took the win.

Vrenz Bleijenbergh excelled in the coastal team with 21 points. With Brussels-Liège there was a duel between the last and the penultimate in the standings. The home team won 82-77. Brussels led 53-45 at halftime. Daniel Laster threw 23 points through the basket. With 11 victories and four defeats, Ostend is in the lead with 26 points.

Limburg United is fourth with 25 points. Brussels, which recorded its third win of the season, is still tenth and last with 19 points. Liège, which also has 19 points but has played a match less, is penultimate.
