Ostend activates seagull team again | Focus and WTV

Ostend activates seagull team again

People have been complaining about nuisance caused by seagulls for some time: noise pollution in particular, but in some places seagulls even steal food from the hands of tourists. To prevent gulls from building their nests too much in the city center, a Gull team sets out.

Subsidy for net

The team intervened 372 times last year. They shake the eggs, or replace them with fake eggs. “But you can also do a lot yourself,” says the city. “By showing you more often on your roof around this time, the gulls consider it an unsafe place.” (read more below the photo)

You can also stretch a net on flat roofs, or install a seagull protection net, the city provides a subsidy for this.

“Part of Town”

If you still experience problems, you can call in the seagull team. But, says the city, gulls are an important part of our biodiversity and they are an integral part of the coast.
