Oscar winner William Hurt (71) passed away | show

American film and theater actor William Hurt died on Sunday at the age of 71 at his home in Portland, Oregon. His family has announced that. Hurt is known for roles in films such as Kiss of the Spider Woman and Broadcast News† The actor revealed in 2018 that he was suffering from terminal prostate cancer, which had spread to his bones. He would have turned 72 next week.

“It is with great sadness that the Hurt family mourns the passing of William Hurt, beloved father and Oscar-winning actor,” his son Will said in a statement to the show and entertainment news site. Deadline know. “He died peacefully surrounded by family.”

Hurt was one of the most celebrated actors of the 1980s. He won an Oscar in the ‘Best Actor’ category for his role of a gay man who shares a cell with a political prisoner in Brazil – then a military dictatorship. Kiss of the Spider Woman from 1985. In the same category, he was also nominated for his leading roles in Broadcast News (1987), a satire on the news industry, and in Children of a Lesser God (1986), a romantic drama set in a school for the deaf. In 2005 he also received an Oscar nomination in the category ‘Best Supporting Actor’ for his part in the thriller A History of Violence from 2005.

Hurt often played a silent intellectual in his early roles, but later in his career also played more outspoken characters in science fiction and Marvel films. His first film role was that of a scientist in the science fiction thriller Altered States† For that, he received a Golden Globe nomination in the “New Star of the Year” category. This was followed by roles in films such as body heat (1981), The Big Chill and Gorky Park (both 1983).

Hurt also regularly appeared on stage in the 1980s. In 1985 he was nominated for a Tony Award, the most important American theater awards, for his role in Broadway production Hurlyburly
