OS Bejing: Vosté closes the row on 1500m skating

OS Bejing: Vosté closes the row on 1500m skating

Rather go home than drive again

The Bruggeling who lives in Friesland stated last week that he wanted to finish at least in the top ten in the skating mile. But that never happened.

“What didn’t go wrong, I wonder,” he said afterwards at the National Speed ​​Skating Oval. “It all went wrong. I wasn’t in it from the start. It just really didn’t feel right. I can’t say much about it. I just find that I can’t get the speed in. I don’t come here for the last place,” said the emotional Vosté. “It’s a bit hard to say, but I’d rather go home now than ride like that again. I didn’t feel this coming. It went well during the warm-up and in training. But it was like I blocked something. I just don’t have an explanation for this.”

At the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang, Vosté finished in 23rd place in the 1500 m. In Beijing, he will also participate in the 1000 m, which is scheduled for February 18.


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