Orcaan Ian took a spoor from Vernieling dried up by the American state of Florida. The local authorities are given instructions from 21 doden, but the haasten is not to be cleared that it is not yet fully complete. Nog zowat twee miljoen huishoudens zitten zonder stroom.
30 sep 2022
Ian went as a hurricane of category 4 with windsnelheden tot 240 kilometers per week aan land in Florida. Ian wasted because we were suffering from a crack, because the veroorzaakt verwoestingen and overstromingen.
Vele straten in Florida is blank. Huizen, bruggen and boten will be spoeld away. Vandaag zitten nog steeds zowat twee miljoen huishoudens zonder stroom, declared governor Ron DeSantis. Volgens de Krant ‘Miami Herald’ staat het water in Key Largo – in de Florida Keys – zo hoog dat he crocodiles tin rond.
The authoritarian authorities warned of the residents of the overflow areas of the area in the water, such as venomous substances, chemicals of zelfs alligators. Loss of electricity and gas can also cost extra.
Both Florida forced Ian after a tropical storm near the Atlantic Ocean. As orkaan van category 1 stevent Ian now af op South Carolina, waar hij later vandaag aan land zal gaan. Also there will be alvast uit voorzorg de noodtoestand uitgeroepen.
Dinsdag was Ian geraasd as orkaan van categorie 3 also al over Cuba. There are at least three doden en zat het hele eiland tijdelijk zonder stroom. Also vandaag zitten grote delen van het land nog altijd in het donker.
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