Oriol Junqueras calls to vote on Sunday against the Moncloa dependency as in 1-O

After all, all the ‘maragallismo’, by Pasqual, summed up in reasoning which in his day was made by the man who, by many, is the best mayor of the 20th century.’ Barcelona does not constantly receive the affection of the State, in the form of investments. And that is why the people of Barcelona, ​​the civil and entrepreneurial society organized two international exhibitions, in 1888 and 1929. With the first, the military citadel that controlled the city from the east was recovered. In 1929 it served to advance in the metro and recover Montjuic. And if we organize an Olympic Games for 1992? In other words, Barcelona’s struggle has always been to be a loose verse, to oppose Jacobin standardization. Barcelona is not Lyon. For ERC, that indomitable spirit of the capital of Catalonia is in danger. For ERC, Moncloa, eager for success on Sunday in its war map against the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, hangs its claws over the city.

Given this, Oriol Junqueras and Pere Aragones joined with passionate speeches to the proposals that he has been making Ernest Maragall, at least since the last week of the campaign. “Barcelona is fantastic”, started the leader of the party, Oriol Junqueras, “It has been capable of being built and rebuilt countless times. Hand in hand with Pasqual and Ernest Maragall he was able to do the 1992 Olympic Games and Barcelona has done it without a State supporting him, frequently against it. And if it could have been a symbol, it is because the people of Barcelona are extraordinary. we can not continue kidnapped by those who want her from the second division. Barcelona does not belong to those who love it Madrid subsidiary, who want it a provincial city”.

And immediately afterwards he appealed to the people of Barcelona to defend that Barcelona idiosyncrasy, which he compared with democracy: “I ask you to once again be the greatest defenders of democracyas you were on 1-O and 3-O & rdquor;; added.

‘President’ inflamed

The ‘president’ was not far behind. He asserted that in the ‘battle of Barcelona’ “there is a hidden candidate of the PSC, is Pedro Sánchez. If Jaume Collboni is elected mayor, the decisions about the city will be made by the Moncloa of the PSOE. And we cannot allow it. They want to turn Barcelona and Catalonia into the weekend garden of the PSOE “, he sentenced. Given this, Aragonès called for participation:” Sunday night We are going to be the nightmare of those who want a defeated Catalonia. And we will be the nightmare of the extreme right! & rdquor ;, he cried.

thoughtful candidate

The candidate, seen the solemn occasion of the closing of the campaign, forgot his rivals and concrete proposals, profusely explained throughout these 15 days of campaign. He focused on the abstract concepts that set him apart from the rest. With him, Barcelona said “it will be ambitious and no one will tell it how far it can go”, a city that will never be subordinated or subjugated, as the PSC has said throughout the campaign.

ERC is the engine of iimpulse of Greater Barcelonathe one that is a reference and pride & rdquor;, the one that makes , appear, can be interpreted, that ‘Barcelona nationalism’ that arose in the stage of his brother Pasqual Maragall and that, in the last 25 years it has been diluted.

The Republican mayor recalled the first municipal elections in which he participated, in fact, the first after the dictatorship, that of 1979 and which the PSC won with Narcís Serra. Maragall, paraphrased the motto of the Catalan socialists of the time (“come with us to the town hall) and transformed it into an invitation to the public: “come with us to Barcelona & rdquor ;.

Ruffian and “the farmhouses”

“Hey, hey, hey, the cortijo is pissed off! That was the start of Gabriel Ruffian,. who has spent weeks fixing himself against the historical hegemony of the PSC in the metropolitan area, specifically, in the most adverse square for ERC, in Santa Coloma de Gramenet.

“You can only rule so many years if you buy wills & rdquor ;, andxplied the ERC leader in Madrid, “if you are a regime. I started the game 17 to 3 (for the Socialist councilors against the Republicans), we’ll see how we end up. But they’re nervous & mldr; & rdquor; he pointed out he teased.

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Rufián, who in Madrid always spends white glove with the space to the left of the PSOE, he did not have it so much with Ada Colau of whom he recalled “his pact with the extreme right of Manuel Valls & rdquor ;. And he was convinced that “if he can, he will do it again & rdquor ;, so the obvious solution for the Republican” is that he cannot do it & rdquor ;. That is to say, that the difference for Maragall is much wider than the barely 5,000 votes of four years ago.

And of Trias, little was entertained. The summary of him was “a man of the right, saying things of the right. ohOh surprise!”
