Order VS for half a million dollars of artillery shells for Oekraïne | Oorlog Oekraïne en Rusland

The order will be announced in January at Northrop Grumman and Global Military Products. The first release of the 155mm grenades was guarded in Maart. The ammunition word, produced with the money from the VS, right-hand trees for Oekraïne.

Due to American defense services, dozens of artillery shells were fired at the front line in the east of Oekraïne.

Jens Stoltenberg, the general secretary of NAVO, had not yet expected that the ammunition could be issued by the lid of the statute. “We would like more producers if we need to be able to deliver to Oekraïne, but that’s also because our own property is in the state where it is owned.”

KIJK. Harde beelden: Oekraïense soldiers gooien grenades in Russian loopgraven
