Orchestra surprises 87-year-old Mia Vos from Vledder: ‘I’m crazy about it’

This week there will be music again by village hall Oens Huus in Wapse, now that orchestra VCE Westerveld – after two years of corona silence – is again organizing concerts for people with a musical wish. One of the lucky ones was 87-year-old Mia Vos from Vledder. The former pianist can no longer play herself, so they played for her. And she thoroughly enjoyed it.

The question of whether it was fun doesn’t really need to be asked. The superlatives are flying around every bystander. “I think this is more than just a nice thing. Deep down I am completely crazy in my head. I could not have imagined this all my life. Super the super!she applauds the performance.

Orchestra VCE had the song especially for Vos honeysuckle rose rehearsed, her favorite song. “I feel this intensely deep inside. It only makes me very happy when I hear it and can suck it up. That really does something to me.”

After the last note, the conductor on duty, Maarten Gal, turned to Vos. He also received a compliment, although there was room for improvement. It had to be a little faster, Mia thought a point of criticism.

Then the conductor moved back to the stage and the orchestra played again honeysuckle rose. A little too fast this time, she judged. “It should really be somewhere in between.” Conductor Gal knew the answer to that. “Why don’t you come and take charge yourself?”

A big laugh followed from Vos, who got up from her chair and quietly made his way to the orchestra. After greeting some familiar faces, she took up the baton. Immediately it seemed as if she had never done anything else: Vos read the first notes, counted down to her first movement, and the orchestra began to play. Just at the right pace. “I enjoyed doing it,” she beams afterwards. “I don’t know if you saw it, but my feet went back and forth. Yes, just the left foot, otherwise I’ll roll over.”

The evening made Vos very happy. “I think I also look radiant, especially because I have heard my favorite song. A music evening is well spent on me, so here is a very satisfied person.”

She was still worried about one thing. “Yes, whether I will fall asleep quickly tonight. I think it will be difficult, after all the impressions. But luckily I am a night person.”

This video shows that Vos still possesses her conducting qualities, even at the age of 87:
