Oranje Nassau takes a point, ACV goes down. ‘Her most loyal fan. That meant a lot to Celine of course’

The Dutch Nassau had to settle for a 2-2 draw against mid-table DSS in Haarlem. ACV lost to DTS Ede, which is partly why it is at the top of the top division for women’s football.

Oranje Nassau coach Nanne Idema was actually quite satisfied with the draw in Haarlem. “We played weakly before half time, without energy, but after that it went a lot better. The other way around feels worse.” Bobby Dijkstra neutralized the 1-0 deficit after an hour and Renée Huizinga even gave ON the lead (1-2). DSS equalized after 80 minutes and just before the end Dijkstra had another giant chance, which went unused.

‘Grandpa was one of her most loyal fans’

In the second half, ON captain Celine Agema came back into the team. Her grandfather and one of her most loyal fans passed away last week. Idema: “He was always there. It affected Celine a lot, but she still showed character.” ON’s sick goalkeeper Karina Kopke was missing, meaning Anne Adelheid van der Baan made her return.

ACV lags behind at an unpleasant moment

ACV lost 2-0 in Ede, causing DTS to take over the leading position from Saestum, which surprisingly lost to Berkel. ACV did not do badly, but hardly created any chances. Pascalle Pomper was missing from the front, who preferred skiing in the snow to the football field. Trainer Freddy Bollegraaf from the bus, who was still stuck in a traffic jam near Zwolle on Saturday evening: “We fell behind in the last minute before half time, an unfortunate moment of course. We were fairly equal and that offers confidence for the future. DTS is a very nice team.” ACV took risks in the final phase. They were not rewarded, on the contrary, DTS put an end to all Asser illusions with a second goal.
