Orange Johan offers Amalia a picture: ‘The most beautiful King’s Day of my life’

Orange fan Johan Vlemmix celebrated the birthday of the head of state for the 26th time. In earlier days that of Queen Beatrix, for a number of years that of her son and current King Willem-Alexander. But the meeting with Crown Princess Amalia in Maastricht has been his number 1 priority since Wednesday. “It is the most beautiful King’s Day of my life.”

Already at five o’clock on Tuesday night Johan Vlemmix was standing along the route that the royal family takes during this King’s Day through Maastricht. The Eindhoven Orange fan pur sang wanted a prime location to present the meter-high statue of Amalia that he had made to the crown princess.

“When I arrived here, there was no one here yet,” Johan said with a laugh in the radio program ‘Wakker!’ on Omroep Brabant. “It was still very cold then, but I really wanted to have a very nice place here. I couldn’t risk that someone else would be here.”

“Hundreds of people took pictures with the Amalia statue!”

On Tuesday, Vlemmix was in Maastricht all day with the 3D-printed sculpture that he would offer Amalia. “Hundreds of people took a picture with the statue. I have all had positive reactions that the statue looks so beautiful! I just hope that Amalia will react that way, because that’s what it’s about. And that the king is happy too of it”, he still looks ahead in the morning

The big question is why he wants to give the 18-year-old crown princess such a meter-high statue as a gift. “Why not?!” Johan bounced the question back on the radio. “She was under attack, she’s already turned in her allowance… She’s staying so strong! I wanted to give her a present that no one here on the route would give. Well, I don’t think there’s anyone else with a statue on the route state!”

“We have designed very special royal chocolates.”

When the time has finally come, Amalia gets a small statue to take home. “She can choose where she wants the big statue to be. Then we will bring it there.”

Not only Amalia received a present from Johan. All princesses, King and Queen were treated. “We have a special present for Máxima and we have designed very special royal chocolates. There was a whole load of gifts waiting for them here.”

ALSO READ: Life-size 3D Amalia rolls out of the printer: present for the crown princess

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