‘Or is it Nicole Lourens?’

Yvonne Coldeweijer responds to the sneer from Fajah Lourens, who pretended in front of the Boulevard camera that she no longer knew the name of the juice queen. “Yes, not surprising!”


It’s one of the easiest tricks to show that you don’t think much of someone – at Today Inside they also use it: pretending that you don’t know the name of the person in question very well. Fajah Lourens pronounced Yvonne Coldeweijer’s in RTL Boulevard last night as Yvonne Coleweijer, without the ‘d’.

Nicole Lourens

A bit transparent of course, Yvonne also thinks. “Fajah of course also has a bit of trouble with names, doesn’t he, because Fajah himself is of course not called Fajah at all, so, um… “, she responds to her juicechannel.

She continues: “I heard from spies some time ago that Fajah is simply called Nicole and was simply called that in primary and secondary school. Nicole, girl. I understand that if you can’t even remember your own name, yes… That mine also becomes a bit difficult.”

Mysterious girl

Fajah is a bit pissed off at Yvonne, because her spies saw Ruud de Wild flirting with Fajah in the Amsterdam W hotel. “A mysterious girl, that Nicole, because are you going with Ruud or not? We need to know. Well, that’s for sure they had a pleasant evening. Maybe they are dating.”

Yvonne continues: “I haven’t actually heard anything else about it, except from several spies who were at that party that he gave drinks to her and her friends all evening. He was really only there for her and she was very flirty, passing around those drinks.”


Ruud is of course not the most attractive man on earth, so it must be about his radio millions, according to Yvonne. “I mean, yeah, the girl probably likes guys with wallets.”

She concludes: “She has also had friends who are more gym types; I think that is also more something that she stands out, so whether she would really fall for Ruud, I kind of doubt itbut anyway… Maybe she’s at her wits’ end, I don’t know.”
