Opwarming on the Noordpool has a major effect on the climate crisis | Wetenschap

The North Pool warms up quickly on other parts of the air and this has a significant impact on the climate crisis, which is reported by the University College London (UCL). As the northern pool area is not able to warm up, the temperature of 2 degrees warmer for eight years is guaranteed for the industrial sector.

As it never changes, the world will be 1.5 degrees warmer in 2031. The onderzoekers gaan ervan uit dat in 2051 de aarde mogelijk 2 degrees warmer has come dan voor de industrial revolution waarna steeds meer broeikasgassen vrij zijn. Using climate models to test the situation in the region, the North Pool was not as warm as it was now.

In the hypothetical world, for a long time the temperature is 1.5 degrees warmer, and eight years for the size of 2 degrees is possible. Wereldleiders hebben in 2015 in Paris with elkaar afgesproken dat de aarde deze grens niet mag overschrijden. For this reason, the opwarming should be at least 1.5 degrees. Klimaatwetenschappers wereldwijd zijn het met elkaar aens dat klimaatverandering differently can suffer to large ramps and onomkeerbare volgen can be lifted.

“Diepgaande followed”

This can be a global warming of 2 degrees above the North Pool, with a temperature of 4 degrees higher. This is the result of the other teacher Alistair Duffey from UCL “diepgaande volgen” for ecosystems and people who lived there.

The different opwarming of the northern pool area provides for large impacts in climate models, places of the onderzoekers. This is why the sea on the other hand is still being monitored and the temperature in the North Pool has not yet been monitored.

Onderzoeker Robbie Mallett shows that the climate change in the North Pool has a strong word, omdat the largest part of the region has large national borders of overheden valt. “On the other hand, the Noordpool effect is on the climate crisis of Paris, and there is hope for a prayer for the climate crisis that is now in the area.”

The onderzoek is vandaag published in the wet publication ‘Earth System Dynamics’.
