Opposition in standby mode

Prudence is the concept that was repeated the most in the opposition during the crisis. In Together for Change they understood that, in the midst of the government’s institutional conflict, if they went out to add fuel to the fire they could aggravate the situation. “Without ceasing to be critical, we must moderate ourselves”, was the message that was exchanged between the leaders since the weekend in which the coalition of the front of all it creaked again. “No one knows what can happen,” they added in informal talks.

Feelings are mixed in the opposition: there are leaders who are anxious and confident about regaining power and others who think that an effort will have to be made to accompany Alberto Fernández so that he arrives in December of next year. Former running mate Macri, Miguel Angel Pichettosubscribed to this last reading: “Those who shouted ‘Christina President in the act of Ensenada they did not say it by 2023 ”. Bomb.

MATCHES. Mauricio Macri learned of the resignation of the Minister of Economy, Martin Guzman, minutes before taking a plane from Miami to Buenos Aires. Hours later, when he landed in Ezeiza, the political and economic crisis was the exclusive issue. In the few days that he was in Argentina, he met with Elisa Carrio and with Pichetto, and toured a couple of suburban neighborhoods. “He feels vindicated, after all this disaster,” confesses a source who accompanies him at all times.

The bomb exploded on Saturday 2 in the afternoon. While Cristina Kirchner gave a talk in Ensenada, the Economy Minister He made public the resignation that he had presented to the President hours before. From there, chaos took over the Government: there were several offers and their respective refusals, until Silvina Batakis emerged as a consensus name between Alberto Fernández and the vice. The crisis, at that point, was already unleashed.

Until Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, the leader of the more moderate wing of the PRO, protested the tension generated by the Frente de Todos. “The lack of responsibility of the Government worsens the situation. This is not how a country is governed, nor is it carried forward, ”he assured in an extensive Twitter thread.

To combine criteria, on Wednesday 6, at the close of this edition, it met for zoom the national table of Together, although on this occasion all the guests had the same idea: to criticize, but to warn of the danger that these palace discussions mean. Before the meeting, the deputies made a statement to demand that the new minister, the chief of staff and the president of the Central Bank go to the venue: “They will not be able to sweep the dirt under the carpet,” they argued. For now they have no answers.

EXPECTANT. From the UCR they consider that the mandate of the President must be guaranteed. That’s why, mario nigri He rushed the ruling party: “We are not here to push anyone, I tell you fraternally: do not push each other because the Argentines are going to pay for it. Be responsible! ”, He indicated in the Chamber of Deputies. And he completed: “Crises take autonomy, nobody knows how they end. Don’t play with fire.”

There are several leaders who, at this point, no longer hesitate to consider that what Cristina Kirchner it is a “palace coup”. This was said by the president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrichbut also the leader of the Civic Coalition, Maximiliano Ferraro. And on the position of Together for Change, the latter analyzed: “We must strengthen unity and generate trust. We must not distract energy and time in extemporaneous debates such as the campaign and the candidacies”.

It is that there are many who are preparing to embark on the adventure of 2023, although due to the context, in Together they asked that the electoral dispute be postponed. It will be one of the main challenges of the opposition: that personal aspirations do not disarm the coalition. “There are too many caciques,” a leader protests ironically.

For now, they watch with astonishment how in the Front of All they do not stop shooting themselves in the feet. So much so that the power triangle of Cristina, Alberto and Sergio Massa is summed up in one concept: “At this point, they are already the three stooges,” concludes a PRO leader.

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