Opposition in Meppel lacks empathy from alderman in debate about youth work

The opposition parties in Meppel lack empathy from councilor Jeannet Bos during a debate on youth work and are therefore submitting a motion of regret. There is no majority for that.

Welzijn MensenWerk, which carries out youth work in the municipality of Meppel, has requested almost half a million euros in additional subsidy due to rising costs. Projects involving youth work, among other things, would be in danger. The city council debated this tonight, at the initiative of the SP and Christian Union.

Councilor Bos indicates several times that the municipality will not simply provide extra money. This requires substantiation. “Despite several conversations, the substantiation for the 470,000 euros has not yet been provided,” Bos said.

Welzijn MensenWerk receives a subsidy of 1.5 million euros every year, making it the largest subsidy recipient in the municipality. The organization also receives additional subsidies for individual projects. Next year the subsidy will be increased to 1.6 million euros.

Party chairman Xander Topma (SP) is disappointed in the alderman’s often technical answers. “She has not sufficiently shown that she understands the
impact of the current situation on the young people in Meppel who are being helped.” That is why the party, together with the Christian Union, is presenting a motion of sadness. But a majority does not support this.
