Opponents of Budel asylum seekers’ center are happy with PVV win: ‘Will make a difference’

The PVV will not immediately close the asylum center in Budel, but a lot could change in the long term. People from the municipality of Cranendonck, which includes Budel, expect this, a day after Geert Wilders’ big election win. “This will make a difference in Cranendonck.”

Profile photo of Alice van der Plas

Harm van Leuken watched the results evening with excitement. He is known from the vigilante Cranendonck and volunteer for the PVV. “Happiness and pride dominate me. Hopefully we can now quickly get to work on solving the problems surrounding the asylum seeker’s center.”

He thinks that a coalition with VVD, NSC and BBB should succeed. “But everyone will have to compromise. I think Wilders’ milder tone is sincere. He is already 60 and if he still wants to rule, he should do it now.”

The founder of the vigilante group in the municipality expects a lot from it. “I really hope that the situation with the asylum seekers’ center in Budel will become a thing of the past and that Cranendonck will now be left alone. I think we should receive refugees, but not in this way. Real refugees and not safe landers.”

“Given what we are experiencing here, I can understand this result very well.”

Jordy Drieman of the local VVD is not entirely happy with the result. He would have preferred that his VVD had become the largest again. “The signal is clear. Given what we are experiencing here, I can understand this result very well.”

He’s already hearing a lot of reactions. “People think that the asylum center will close immediately, but that will not happen that quickly. This is step 1. In order to govern, the PVV must add water to the wine. In the short term, nothing will change here in Budel.”

Carry van Rooij is happy with the result. He is from the largest political party in Cranendonck, ELAN. “This will make a difference in Cranendonck. I would be disappointed if that is not the case.”

“The Hague has invested a lot of money in security guards, street coaches and extra police to combat the nuisance. I was afraid that that support would disappear with a left-wing cabinet. Now with a large PVV I have less of that.”

He doesn’t expect any quick changes. “You cannot suddenly put the asylum seekers across the border. A new government with the PVV may be able to do something about the COA contract that we are stuck with.”

He is positive for the longer term: “I think Wilders can ensure that we have a smaller asylum center here, with 400 to 500 asylum seekers. Then it remains manageable for Cranendonck.”

“Wilders will not be able to stem the flow of refugees either.”

Bart Kraaijvanger is from the Cranendonck Residents’ Collective, founded to strengthen ties between the asylum seekers’ center and villagers. He watched with mixed feelings. “This is not the outcome I was hoping for.”

“Wilders has taken a more moderate tone lately. But if you read his election manifesto, it is still about excluding people and throwing basic principles overboard. Yet 2.5 million people voted for him. We have to listen to that .”

He hopes that our country will remain open to receiving refugees. “Wilders will not be able to stem the flow of refugees either. Due to wars and climate problems, the flow of refugees will only increase. It could indeed be that the COA will be contained and that asylum seekers’ centers will close, but the question is how sensible that is. “
