Opnieuw toeristen betrapt those in Colosseum kerven | Buitenland

The 17-year-old Zwitserse was filmed by a gids toen ze hair initials – the letter N – op een muur van het eeuwenoude monument kerfde. Hij wittigde de public services van het Colosseum. The Zwitserse risked a bid that could cost up to 15,000 euros because of the damage to the culture.

Hetzelfde verhaal for the young Dutch tourist. They will be arrested later that day if they are in the back of the inner wall of the Colosseum. Also hij will be packed for public services.

Both incidents may occur later than a young Bulgaarse tourist will be arrested because of the fact that he was there and the van Zijn vriendin in the Muren van het Colosseum had been arrested, tot great woede van de Italiaanse minister van Cultuur. De jongeman apologize, maar also he risked a small boat.
