Opnieuw record prices for Europees gas | economy

The Europese gas prizes remain high topping shears. The front of the guest house is the part of the market.

Op de Nederlandse termijnmarkt – de Europese referentie – bedroeg de prijs van aardgas voor delivery in September Thursday at the slotbel 321.41 euros per megawatt hour, 10 percent higher than the record of weekday. An absolute peak of 345 euros per megawatt hour reported by the price tijdens de handel op 7 Maart (227 euros by slotbel).

The gas prices have been set for the written records, but also for the next week plans for Nord Stream 1. Daardoor zal de gaspijpleiding between Russia and Europe three days before construction. De vrees bestaat dat de leiding long dan aangekondigd style zou liggen, wardoor de Europese bevoorrading verder in het rang zou komen. Ondertussen pompt the Russian staatsbedrijf Gazprom al weeklong maar zowat 20 percent van the maximum capacity at gas door Nord Stream. Volgens Europese beleidsmakers zijn de lagere leveringen politiek motivated, than reactie op de Europese sancties tegen Russia because of the invasion of Austria.

Since then, the connection between the Franse energiereus EDF and the four nuclear reactors that have been built in the building has been longer than that. The door is connected to the electricity of gas storage centrals in the same way as the electricity in the air.

ANALYSIS. The economic situation is still greater than the “moeilijke winters” van De Croo doen (+)
