Openness and fairness: Why salary discussions with colleagues are important

Conversations about salary are taboo in many cultures and work environments. Nevertheless, there are strong arguments for discussing this topic openly.

Transparency and negotiations

Transparency regarding salaries plays an essential role in ensuring fairness in the workplace. If salaries are kept secret, there is a risk that inequalities and discrimination will go undetected. For example, people with the same qualifications and tasks could be paid unequally, perhaps based on gender, age, race, sexuality or religion.

By openly discussing salaries, such discrepancies can be uncovered and addressed. Transparency also promotes a fair salary structure, which helps employees feel that their achievements and efforts are appropriately recognized.

In addition, salary negotiations are often a challenge, especially if you don’t know exactly what an appropriate salary would be for your position and qualifications. Knowing the salaries of colleagues in comparable positions can be a valuable source of information. It provides guidance on what you can and should ask for. It also strengthens your own negotiating position.

Legal aspects and improving work morale

In some countries, including Germany, it is enshrined in law that employees have the right to discuss their salary. The General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) stipulates that employees have the right to information about the criteria and procedures for determining salaries. This right serves the goal of promoting pay transparency and achieving pay equity.

Fair and transparent salary structures can also have a positive impact on employee morale and satisfaction. When employees feel like they are being paid fairly and appropriately, it can lead to higher motivation and increased engagement. In addition, frustrations and tensions can be reduced. These often arise when people feel like they are being underpaid or when salaries are kept hidden.

Companies that promote a culture of salary transparency can also score points when it comes to retaining and recruiting staff. Dealing openly with the topic of salary can strengthen trust in the company and promote a feeling of belonging. This, in turn, can help ensure that qualified employees remain loyal to the company and that potential new employees choose the company.

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