Openbaar vervoer in London opnieuw grotendeels stil door staking | Buitenland

Leden van de Vakbond RMT (Rail, Maritime and Transport), de Transport Salaried Staffs Association (TSSA) en Unite zullen bij de stakingen betrokken zijn. Lopending discussions over the workingsvoorwaarden brought forward nog geen soelaas.

The staking is counted as the transfer of service tot and with zondag beïnvloeden, with many afgelaste rode op all networks. De voorbije weken were he also al regelmatig large stakingen bij het openbaar vervoer.

The inflation in the United Kingdom loops up to 10 percent on a yearly basis and the loon period is below that for a long time. In addition to the sea of ​​postal care, gezondheidszorg, the right to make a schol and a flight have to be done with higher lonen and betere arbeidsvoorwaarden toe.
