Open Vld-voorzitter Lachaert roept partijbureau samen na desastreuze peiling | De Grote Peiling

KIJK. What is he at hand with Open Vld? VTM NIEUWS journalist Karel Lattrez puts uit

If you avoid that Open Vld a café word was openly voted word, roept Voorzitter Egbert Lachaert zaterdagmidday a digitaal partijbureau same, zo verneemt our politieke redactie.

This is a strategy that Lachaert na een aantal previous bearings also hanteerde, om te vermijden dat iedereen in the media z’n zegje zou doen about the bad bearing result. After a previous bad sign, there was a lot of wind from the front of the children or the tenors — such as Karel De Gucht — and then read all the relevant information from the person. That will not be avoided. “We have the same concerns when it’s very rusty and there aren’t any buildings,” he says in an internal message about the Open Vld leden.
