Open House: the opportunity to get to know Editorial Perfil from the inside

Open House, is the architecture and urban planning festival that this year celebrates its tenth edition on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October. The proposal, at the end of the decade, is to offer visits to more than 160 spaces and buildings in the city of great architectural, cultural and heritage value so that the public can rediscover the architecture and urban planning of Buenos Aires.

The event organized by Urban Cohabitation Civil Association offers a new look at the city. With free registration, those who want to get to know it in a different way are invited to share tours, in an exhibition that proposes an original meeting space with innovative and accessible activities for everyone.

On the route through the neighborhood of Barracas, within the circuit of buildings and urban samples, is the building of Publisher Profile. The space, located at 2700 California Street, will be open to the public for their tour. In the building structure is the printing press, one of the largest in Latin America, the television studios of Net TVthe operating center of Radius Profile. the wording of News Magazine and Diary Profileamong other other publications.

This year almost all of the buildings can be visited without prior registration. Visitors will be able to search the web -; although most spaces will not require registration, several have limited seats. In all cases it will be essential to present the DNI.

Open House - Agustin Rojas

The recommended buildings that require registration are: Galileo Galilei Planetarium, Mortgage Bank, Parque Los Andes neighborhood, Government House of the City of Buenos Aires, Banco Macro Corporate Building, La Inmobiliaria Building, the renowned Chalet de la 9 de Julio owned by Muebleria Diaz, Zanjón de Granados, CeDIAP, IBM Building and the CCK.

An additional activity is open bike, which provides a view from another scale, joining points on the bicycle map. The circuits are guided with special themes that range from architecture to design, through history, the urban fabric and literature.

Open House

Open Foto also stands out, a photography contest that is carried out with the support of Wikimedia Argentina. The selection of the photographs for this contest will be in charge of Gross Studiowho will contemplate a first pre-selection stage and a final selection stage.

the local sample Open House Buenos Aires is part of Open House Worldwide Family. The concept of opening doors is developed every year in more than 30 cities on five continents. The first exhibition started in London and was replicated elsewhere as Melbourne, New York, Rome, Madrid, Helsinky, Dublin, Tel Aviv, Lisbonamong other.

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