Open Company Day: children get acquainted with windmills

Open Company Day: children get acquainted with windmills

The scoop is for the children in the neighborhood. With 500, they got acquainted yesterday and today with the power of the wind and with the technology of windmills. And they have even experienced it firsthand. With 3D glasses, it seemed as if the children had climbed all the way to the top of the turbine.

Green energy

An Schaubroeck, Aspiravi: “I think we should make an effort today to generate more green energy locally. Of course we do that in the first place for the next generations. I think everyone is aware that we have an interest in to generate energy locally, and then of course green energy.”

Anyone who also wants to do a virtual climb in a wind turbine or want to experience what a storm feels like can visit the Open Company Day on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
