“Op1 should have intervened with village idiot Gordon”

Johan Derksen believes that the presenters of Op1 should have intervened when Gordon began to downplay the abuses in Qatar. “But that black lady really never intervenes!”

© SBS 6

Gordon’s performance in the talk show Op1 has caused quite a stir. Apparently he has gained a new perspective on life in his new hometown of Dubai, because at the talk show table he turned out not to be so concerned about human rights violations in Qatar. Because of his politically incorrect statements, even a guest left the table.

Horses with cows

Johan Derksen does not understand why Op1 is interested in Gordon at all, he says in De Oranjewinter. “Then I think: why do you invite that man? It’s just nonsense. Yes, he has a new program and then he will sit there again comparing horses with cows.”

He continues: “Then he will whine about the slavery thing and then he will compare that, but there are just now 6,500 people who have died there. He’s just rambling away.”

Village idiot

Johan thinks the Op1 runaway is a bit exaggerated. “Then there is one of those hypersensitive little philosophers who has had to deal with transgressive behavior and who was very quickly trampled on her red-painted fingernails, because she just walked away. You can also start the discussion and say to him, ‘Wow, Gordon, you’re talking out of your ass now.’”

Colleague Wilfred Genee. “Well, she kind of blocked.”

Johan: “Yes, but then a village idiot says something and then they run away. You don’t win the war with that, you know, with those kind of ladies.”

‘Op1 had to intervene’

Johan is also surprised that Gordon continues to stand up for gay-intolerant countries. “I find it striking that Gordon stood up for Qatar, where gays are not actually tolerated.”

Johan: “He is raving there and there are eight grown people looking like: what is this about?”

René: “Then you also have two presenters who could intervene.”

Black lady

The presenters were Giovanca Ostiana and Tijs van den Brink. Johan: “That black lady never intervenes, because she depends on the autocue and only reads what she is sitting on.”

René: “Wouldn’t that say: ‘Intervene’?”

Johan: “If Gordon plays down 6,500 deaths for a moment, then as a responsible host you have to intervene, yes.”

‘Woke gets counter-throttle!’

Incidentally, Gordon currently receives a lot of support from people on the right side of the political spectrum, including Emile Ratelband. They state that woke ‘is going to get some resistance’.

Volkskrant journalist Emma Curvers about this:
