Op1 presenter Welmoed Sijtsma (31) finds dating ‘terrible and terrifying’ Stars

The 31-year-old Friezin was no less than ten years old with Erik Egberts, with whom she had been engaged since 2019. In the new Beau Monde Welmoed tells about the difficult period that followed after the breakup. “I really had to learn to live with myself again. A bit like a calf that wobbles on its own two feet. Sounds dramatic, but that’s how it really felt at times. You have to organize things differently and get used to the new situation.”

The presenter had, as she herself says, “really get used to being alone.” “I had a hard time with that. In any case, becoming single and being in a lockdown is not exactly fun. Of course, everyone is having a hard time. But as far as I’m concerned, there should be a little more attention for being single in an already lonely time.

‘crying every day’

As a brand new bachelor, Welmoed, together with a friend, spent her holiday on Curaçao. But there she was again pressed against the facts. “We had a good time, but I still had to cry every day, for example when I saw couples having a good time together. Then I thought: oh yes, this is my life now. I am now the one on vacation with a girlfriend.”

The ‘other half’ of co-presenter Jort Kelder is now open to love again, but she still finds dating “terrible and terrifying.” “It feels so unnatural to sit across from a complete stranger and find out if you’re right for each other. Let me flirt in the bar. I’m good at challenging and decorating. And I like meeting new people. Those few months that the bars were open, I actually loved being single.”
