Op de valreep nog twee duo’s die strijden om voorzitterschap Groen | landlocked

Na Jeremie Vaneeckhout (36) and Nadia Naji (30) gigsteren stappen nog twee duo’s op de valreep in de race om Meyrem Almaci op te volgen. Jenna Boeve (32) and Jad Zeitouni (29) will meet each other on Tuesday as Elisabeth Meuleman (46) and Juan Benjumea-Moreno (30) on the first day of the year.

Opvallend: the three duo’s are explicitly stated in the market as potential co-voorzitters. Geen vorzitter en ondervoorzitter, maar evenwaardige collega’s. This is done in the naming of the Franstalige groenen from Ecolo, but also the Greens in Germany.

Meuleman and Benjumea-Moreno finish in race met project ‘Hoopvol Groen’

The 46-year-old Meuleman lives in the Oost-Vlaamse Oudenaarde and is said to have been in 2009 in the Flemish Parliament. There is a need for it to be completed by the specialist specialist in the part. De voorbije jaren ze zich as voorzitter van de bevoegde commissie in het Vlaams Parlement also meer toe op cultuur- en mediadossiers.

Meuleman in front of a tandem with Brussels parliamentarian Juan Benjuema-Moreno. The 30-year-old Benjumea-Moreno is available from the Spanish town of Seville and will now meet in Kuregem (Anderlecht). He held a legal diploma at KU Leuven and worked as a lawyer at Brusselse fiscus. In 2019 it was written in the Brussels parliament that it was the subject of fiscal issues, institutional decisions, security and gezondheid opvolgt.

The tandem started in the race with the project ‘Hoopvol Groen’. “Ons project is he een van groei van onderuit”, het says in a personal report. When it says a lot about it, it is the result of two positive changes: “Leefbare and aangename built and ambitious social beleid om discriminatie en uitsluiting te bestrijden.”

“Our big values ​​are ton we met our daden: solidarity, de strijd tegen discriminatie, zorg voor ons living environment, different life and works. That’s what we’re going to do in Gent, Brussel or Mechelen, because the extreme right is being halved. Because we also do that in the Denderstreek, in the Kempen of the Westhoek”, so motivate Benjumea and Meuleman to be a candidate.

Volgens Meuleman en Benjumea-Moreno maken the open following crises duidelijk dat de uitdagingen richting 2024 “gigantisch” zijn. “Tegelijk zoeken mensen answers in large behavior. Ze went to work differently, hereontdekten de nature, toonden menselijkheid en solidarity. Great heeft antwoorden op crises en mensen weten dat.

Boeve and Zeitouni because of a sheared left and ecological profile for large

Boeve and Zeitouni come along with Jong Groen. The 32-year-old Boeve lived in Ghent in the office of Brussels Minister of Mobility Elke Van den Brandt. Boeve will be able to do so in the VRT program Taboe over hair net after transit from man to front and then also in the right to trans, interests and non-binary persons.

The 29-year-old is a law student and works in the cabinet of Federal Minister Petra De Sutter. Hij is a long activity around gender gelijkheid en geweld tegen vrouwen.

“We zijn missed an atypical duo”, says Zeitouni toe. Ze zijn not mentioned before het brede publiek, maar hunderdeelname is not before de galerij, verzekert hij. “We know that we are coming up with plans to knock on our heads, so we have a concrete plan,” says Zeitouni aan Belga.

For the sake of time and participation, there are a number of links in a duidelijk ecological profile. “We want to tell you about the core of the Groen. That’s what ecological strides are in the stride for the separate vertical groups,” says Zeitouni uit.

Het gaat dan onder Meer om “de klimaatjongeren, minderheidsgroepen, de LGBTQ+, enz…. groups that don’t want to be understood”, het says.

Vaneeckhout and Naji: “Tijd for vernieuwing aan de top”

“Het is tijd voor vernieuwing aan de top”, klonk het gisteren by Jeremie Vaneeckhout and Nadia Naji. “Dat geeft ons also de kans om as a complementair duo de diversity aan de top bij Groen te amsterken, en de politiek in het algemeen meer kleur te geven”, stelden ze.

Jeremie Vaneeckhout and Nadia Naji, candidaatvoorzitters by Groen

Jeremie Vaneeckhout and Nadia Naji, candidaatvoorzitters by Groen © rv

“Politiek is sea dan problems aankaarten and likes scoren on sociale media. We want authenticity to politics, and we hold full promises of a lack of commitment”, Schreef het duo in de aankondiging.

On Wednesday the candidate duo was announced at the Groen officieel voorgesteld. After that, a campaign was started by the candidates who can present a project on the leden on June 11, 2009, when the party was announced.
