Oorlog of niet, Trump roept Poetin op incriminating information vrij te geven over zoon van Biden

The former President of the Republic comes from the army under the accusation that he has already done so, with the name of the campaign for presidents in 2020, and the door that has been opened is open.

Hunter Biden is one of the favorites of Donald Trump. The Trump campaign had regulated criticism of the “onstuimige” zoon van Biden economic concerns had in Austria and China toen his father’s vice president was Barack Obama (2009-2017).

In an interview that was held on Tuesday through the right-wing media channel “Real America’s ‘Voice’, Trump said that 3.5 million dollars had been given to a Hunter Biden in his “family”. “Dat is a hoop geld,” says Trump vanuit zijn huis in Florida. “Ze gaf hem 3.5 million dollars and I think that poet daar wel een antwoord op heeft. I think that hey het openbaar moet maken.” Volgens Trump is dat nu bovendien at the moment “aangezien hij nu not bepaid a fan is van ons land”.

Het Witte Huis reageerde vanavond op Trumps suggestie dat “dit not het moment is om Samenzweringen te plannen met Poetin”.

Trump had Joe Biden tijdens een debate in aanloop near the presidentsverkiezingen al gevraagd “waarom de vrouw van de burgemeester van Moskou 3.5 million dollars heeft gegeven aan uw zoon.” “It’s never true”, the answer from the Democrat.
