Oona Kare played the role of Lenita Airisto in her life

In the Smile! At the meeting, the women talked about changes in the media industry.

Oona Kare and Lenita Airisto had never met before. Kare said he was excited. Jenni Gästgivar

publisher Urpo from Lahtinen and the Smile! series, which tells about the birth of the yellow press Lenita Airiston85, and actor Oona Karen32.

Kare portrays 1970s Airisto in the series – albeit in completely invented scenes.

Airisto has been parodyed before, but now he is portrayed closely. According to Airisto, Kare succeeds brilliantly in her role.

– Oona is really into my being. He sees that he has watched the video material about me and embraced the habit of saying harsh things with laughter.

– I have always been irritated by my brisk nature and outspokenness and have been barking about it. Instead of humbling myself and starting to hang my head, I’ve just taken laughter as my protective wall, Airisto says.

Thanks to Karea Airisto for touching.

– It was really exciting to present Lenita. And even more to meet! he reveals.

This is what Oona Kare looks like as Lenita. Miira Ojanen

Bright Lenita

Kare prepared for her role by exploring Airisto’s history as a defender of women’s rights, a powerful one. Among other things, he read My life and my homeland book, watched Airisto’s interviews and learned his sign language and energy.

– Especially Lenita’s brightness caught my eye and I wanted to express it, the actress says.

Airisto, played by Karen, echoes her well-known laughter in the series, among other things, at a point where she is asked for the amount by which a woman would be willing to perform naked in a smile.

– I’ve never really been asked that.

– But the way Oona throws me in the series with laughter in response to the fact that you don’t even have enough fuss is exactly the same as the one I, for example, have rejected Speden proposals for cooperation, Airisto says.

Free object, bang

Airisto resigned as a politician in the early 70s Ingvar S. Melin. The Smile! Series will be ranked in those years. Indeed, Airisto says that, in principle, he could have been asked about nudity at the time, because after the divorce, he was treated in a new way.

According to Airisto, in the spirit of the time, the woman was seen as either a housewife polishing silverware or a strange free object, a hemp.

– At that time I was working on export projects for Finnish Design products and I traveled a lot. I was also the first face of Lumene ever. Among other things, a smile used one of my Lumene promo images on his cover.

– But when I got divorced, I started writing about what was hurting. It was alleged that there was a man who broke our marriage. There were even pictures of a man I supposedly had a relationship with. I had never met him! Airisto recalls.

Where Airiston’s ex-man was written about politics at the same time, romance rumors were torn from him.

The cover of the smile advertised, among other things, Lenita’s “marriage deals, divorces, and other rumors” in the 1970s. The picture was Lumene’s trend makeup picture. Lenita Airiston archives

Introduced by a television series in the 70s, people were still able to tear up scandal headlines without worrying about it, as there was no law on the protection of intimacy.

However, Airisto did not melt them. He made criminal reports without blurring and contributed to the entry into force of the Intimacy Act.

Limbos sing

Today, the media really can’t publish what’s going on.

The world has changed even to the point where magazines are no longer sold nudity first – and the typewriters don’t bang on typewriters with rubbing tobacco and whiskey in glass like the one described in the Smile! Series.

Still, according to Airisto, there are excesses, they have just moved from the official media to the Finnish.

– That’s where the limbos sing. And unlike the official media, those who are not professional writers get out loud, Airisto recalls.

Airisto has been parodyed before, but now he is portrayed closely. According to Airisto, Kare succeeds brilliantly in her role. Jenni Gästgivar

Kare uses Instagram. He knows full well that being anonymous is easy with a shout.

– But I’m blocking shouters from my own account pretty quickly. I have also been involved in anti-bullying campaigns, Kare says.

Airisto is not on social media.

– After all this bursting, what I’ve experienced in the media! That I should go somewhere else? I have never even considered! Airisto exclaims.

– Publicity is not a goal, it is a means, he still reminds.

Although much has changed in the media world, there is room for improvement.

According to Airisto, women’s magazines, for example, still focus too much on presenting the contents of wardrobes and home decor, as well as all kinds of sculpting. However, there are well-off women in Finland who, in her opinion, could write a career ahead.

Me Too

Kare was studying at the Copenhagen International Theater Academy when Me Too broke through. The phenomenon was especially talked about in movie circles.

– We discussed the topic at school and there were also speeches and presentations about the Me too campaign.

– The emergence of a campaign like Me Too proves that the world is moving in the right direction, Kare says.

Airiston was released in early March The good news of a witch -book. It lifted the storm with revelations from behind the scenes of the media world. Among other things, Airisto said that Spede had tried to rape him.

Kare has also read the book.

– The book brought to the surface the whole emotional scale, he says.

Sound enabled

Since Kare herself hasn’t lived through the 70s enlightened by the television series, she also can’t specify what has changed and what hasn’t. However, he is particularly pleased with one improvement:

– Things are being talked about today! We have a voice, and we use it.

– Equality and justice have progressed, although there is still a lot to do, Kare says.

Airisto hopes for more roles for him in the future.

– There’s a spark in Oona! he sums up.

Acted in the series Secret Lives from 2013 to 2017, Kare graduated from Copenhagen with a Bachelor of Theater Arts. Recently, in addition to acting, he has also written.

Oona Kare has read Lenita Airisto’s recent book The Good News of Witchcraft. It brought the whole emotional scale to his surface. Jenni Gästgivar

Smile! in its entirety C Morella. See Telku for program information on streaming services.
