Ook op kabinet Jambon werkte jarenlang medewerker the betaald were by bpost: “We zullen dat nu rechtzetten” | landlocked

Minister van Overheidsbedrijven Petra De Sutter (Groen) kwam eerder onder vuur te liggen vanwege twee kabinetsmedewerkers vanuit bpost were gedetacheerd.

Now it’s still there in the cabinet of Jan Jambon (N-VA) it’s 2015, no one worked the betaald by post. The kabinetsmedewerker was hired bij bpost in 2012 as ‘Head of Economic Affairs within the Legal and Regulatory Department’. Daarmee hung hij Rechtstreeks af van Dirk Tirez. They will later become CEO and most opstappen after an audit over the existing crane contract for post. In 2015, there were works to be done on the overstap to the cabinet of Jan Jambon, which worked around overheated beds.

Jambon was at the moment vice-premier in de Regering-Michel, and there was expertise on the vlak van dossiers that were not legal in nature. So adviseerde the medewerker Jambon over overheated beds than the NMBS, Infrabel and Proximus. When het om bpost went, he was altijd op gelet dat hij er “zich zo weinig mogelijk mee bezig hield”, clicks in de omgeving van Jambon. “Al can we not say that it will also be given over bpost”.

Toen Jambon Vlaams became minister-president, the medewerker went and became zelfs adjunct chief of cabinet. At the Vlaamse level, the adjunct head of cabinet worked on digitalisation. In december 2022 the medewerker will become administrator-generaal of Digitaal Vlaanderen. Pas dan will also be added to the contract with the bpost stop. Op dit moment de man dut werkt meer op het kabinet van Jan Jambon.
