Ook dader the leerkracht in France doodstak zweert trouw aan IS | Buitenland

Mohammed Mogouchkov, the father of the previous day, was an empty speaker in the North-French city of Arras, he was in an audio booth where he was forced to join the Islamic State. This reports a bron close to the onderzoek on the fringes of new BFM TV. Ook Abdeslam Lassoued, the 45-year-old Tunisian who met a group of two football fans in Brussels, was able to act in the name of the terreur organization.

Bij de Franse veiligheidsdiensten stond Mogouchkov confessed vanwege zijn radical ideas. Previous day left the young man at school Dominique Bernard, a 57-year-old leerkracht Frans, met me. Bij de aanval many ook three won.

Volgens zijn zus groeiden ze op in a geradicalized milieu. There is no hair broer “a monster” and it is described as “pure horror”.

Bloemen voor het slachtoffer. © Photo News

Vijf other suspects still cite vast. He has two brothers, one uncle, one aunt and one nief van de dadder.

Mogouchkov was born in Ingoesjetië, an autonomous republic in Russia that was founded by Muslims. In 2008 the house moved to France. The young man has never really been in the country and has now been given the opportunity to have the right to live in the French land area, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Binnenlandse Zaken Gérald Darmanin duidelijk. Gisteren will be in every fringe schollen a minute stilte gehouden ter nagedachtenis van Bernard.

KIJK. Leraar gedood at mesaanval at Franse school
