Ontsnapte circusleeuw urenlang op de loop in Italië | Buitenland

In Ladispoli, a square in the city of Rome, there were 40,000 people. Volgens Burgemeester Alessandro Grando took over the politics of the circus person in the area of ​​Leeuw. There is still no duidelijk hoe the roof is ontsnapt. In the loop of the night started on social media, the circles of the dier, and others heard the rusty door of the straten of a woonwijk liep.

Inwoners van Ladispoli were not aware of the incident and were criticized in Burgemeester. They wanted to have a circus with a lion. Grando zelf zei dat de stad daartoe niet de mogelijkheden heeft; In 2017, Ladispoli took part in a series of concerts in the circus.
