De ontploffing in the apartment building in the Tijgerstraat, aan Ter Platen, building around 7.30 p.m. Therefore, it is necessary to have an electrical cabinet in the area of the building. Zowel de brandweer als de Gentse politie kwamen hierop ter plaatse.
“Our services are high,” confirms Anouk Veyt, Northwest of Brandweerzone Centrum. Tijdens de Bluswerken will de Tijgerstraat afgesloten for all traffic. Also the Tentoonstellingslaan will be drawn up with a politielint. When the ontploffing in the next fire nobody got wound up. Also he served geen bewoners geëvacueerd te been. Wel what he spoke of rookhinder. “Sluit ramen en deuren in de omgeving as je hindrance ondervindt. Shakel also je ventilatiessysteem uit.” Door de ontploffing van de elektriciteitscabine zat een groot deel van de buurt wel zonder stroom. On the other Frituur Marcel, café Sunset and restaurant La Dolce Vita zaten zonder stroom.
Also Kinepolis ondervindt behind door de ontploffing. The advance notice of the previous date does not come into contact with the door. That confirms Northwestern Anneleen Van Troos. Momentel draait he wel een noodgenerator. “Maar de mensen who were in de zalen aanwezig are gestuurd huiswaarts. In the last few weeks, the next step has not been opgestarted. After the weekend, you will be contacted in connection with your compensation.” Fluvius is op de hoogte en probeert een oplosing te zoeken. “We try as soon as possible te herschakelen. Zo’n 400 battlements are hit. It was talked about the problem around 2 a.m., it was resolved at night when it was zal.”