‘Onrust in drugs milieu nadat partijen drugs zijn kwijtgeraakt’

Het slachtoffer van de schietpartij is Abdelhalim L., a worknemer van openbaarvervoermaatschappij De Lijn. Grandchildren of two family members were previously drunk when criminals died. Zijn broer Abderrahim schoot in 2013 in the Guldensporenstraat in Borgerhout op Yassine S. who he al wekenlang zou bedreigd. The incident will be linked to the drug environment. Abdelhalim L. is living in the Ziekenhuis in an artistic coma brought to the world. The internal bloedingen will be stopped, if there is a warning beforehand.

First of all, Wouter Bruyns van de Antwerpse politie dat er round 22 uur een schietpartij plaatsvond op het kruispunt van de Lageweg met de Emiel Vloorstraat. “A 27-year-old resident was found in a room where he was already a friend. Hij is brought with an ambulance and a speedy arts to the Ziekenhuis.” Over het motief of the omstandigheden verder niet bekend. The park of Antwerp is a separate area for moorland management started in the middle of a separate area.

Onderzoek near moord

Het parket heeft also has a separate zone right in front of the moor near the overlijden of a 46-year-old man from Lier. Politie Antwerpen ontving maandagavond report that someone schoten gehoord zou hebben aan de Bredastraat in Antwerp. Ten minutes later there was a message that a person on the De Coninckplein was neergestoken. Where two feiten aan elkaar can be linked, the parket is shown in a declaration. Op camera beelden bleek dat het om een ​​automobilist went the op het De Coninckplein was uitgestapt, verder strompelde en in elkaar zakte. The 46-year-old slaughterhouse in Lier is meant to be a one-off. A 34-year-old man is in the middle of the job.

December 2, 2009 when drugs were reported to incidents in Antwerp on the day before. Last week Wednesday night Borgerhout was oppressed because of an explosion. A building in the Ledeganckstraat was damaged. Begin Augustus vonden in de Stadt two explosies plaats in dezelfde night. According to the criminal investigation of Charlotte Colman, there are recent incidents and others related to drugs that are reported. Het is daardoor onrustig in the Antwerp drugs circuit. In the past there were known families, there were a number of claims and rivalries in the drugs world.

In 2022 there were 25 incidents involving the links to organized drugs crimes, according to Kristof Aerts, where the Antwerp park is located.
