Onni Kivipelto won The Voice of Finland – This is how life changed after the program

The Voice of Finland winner Onni Kivipelto moved from Alajärvi to Helsinki. He will release his first single soon.

The latest season of The Voice of Finland ended Onni Kivipelton, 20, to win. Kivipelto continues to attract attention in his hometown of Alajärvi, where even in the middle of the interview, a young admirer handed a gift wrapped in Christmas paper to his idol. Kivipelto was of course happy.

– It feels good like this, even if you didn’t get your own gift, Kivipelto carves. The package finally revealed a Christmas lollipop.

Signing autographs and taking group photos has been an essential part of Kivipello’s year.

– It’s just great if someone wants a number or a photo together. It’s not stressful at all, if I can make someone else feel good with such a small thing, I’m happy to do it.

– I’m still not a very well-versed writer of nimbar, the final result is a bit variable in appearance, so there’s plenty of room for improvement, Kivipelto laughs.

Onni Kivipello’s turn of the year went well in his hometown in Alajärvi. Tom Olli

He also remembers memorable autograph signing moments from his own childhood.

– My childhood mini-guitar has two Kake Randelin’s nimria The first one was applied for by my mother and then by me later. For example, there were group photos Neumann’s and Clown Million with.

Kivipelto didn’t have time to celebrate the victory for long in the spring, because the military service that was going on at the same time lasted until September.

– At least there was no danger of floating, because I was one among others in the army. Otherwise, the post-competition time in the conscript band went well, we toured gigs in different parts of Finland.

After the victory, he has wanted to draw a line on matters discussed in public.

– I don’t want to talk about my close relationships in public, they are my own business. An unnamed media recently did not want to respect this, which was not very nice, although I understand the interest of the media.

My own music

Kivipelto moved from Alajärvi to Helsinki after military service.

– Music was the main reason for the move, which means that it is much easier to do that in Helsinki. At the moment, I’m putting everything into music, and the time for studies is sometime later.

– On the whole, I have settled easily in Helsinki, it has certainly helped that I have lived in several countries with my family over the years, in total I have been to 29 different countries.

He will release his first single at the beginning of the year, which is largely the man’s own work. It’s pop rock in Finnish.

– I wanted to make a song in Finnish, because I am fascinated by our own language. Even though I have put a lot of songs in the English language in the desk drawer, Finnish flows well in my mouth.

– I don’t take pressure from the reception of the song, I’m more excited. It is also a dream to release a full album at some point.

At future concerts during the winter and spring, you will probably also hear more of Kivipello’s own music.

– Even though there will be only one song for the release this time, I will most likely present other own productions at the concerts as well.

Kivipelto also listens to the wishes of the audience at concerts. One touching moment happened when a listener asked him to play Apulanna’s “Lights on the Edge of Darkness” song.

– It is more than a good fit, because Apulanna Toni Wirtanen and Sipe Santa Claus were my coaches in the race. When I performed the song and saw that it touched the hopeful deeply, I felt good about it myself.

To the new year

Kivipelto spent the New Year with his family in Alajärvi. Although he doesn’t usually make New Year’s resolutions, he agrees to make an exception.

– Since my cooking skills are quite limited, I promise to learn to cook with a wider range of dishes.

– I’ll ask for my mother’s recipe book, where you can get tips. Of course, I also make sure that the fire alarm has a working battery for a possible smoke alarm, Kivipelto carves.

Onni Kivipelto will soon release his first single. TOM WAS

Kivipelto lists the turn of the year in India as the most memorable new year.

– I was less than ten years old, we lived in India because of my father’s work patterns. The turn of the year was quite special, we were at the beach and there were a lot of people. The atmosphere was quite hectic with rockets flying here and there, but the crowd was in a happy mood.

Next summer, Kivipello will have an important moment in the audience as well. Bunting Bruce Springsteen for the concert at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium in July has been acquired.

– I have never seen his concert, so now my dream is coming true. Purchasing the tickets was its own place of excitement, I was ready on the computer when the sale started: luckily the tickets were released before the concert was sold out. The rest of my family is also coming to the concert, Springsteen is a big deal for all of us.
