Only two months until the holidays! What’s in your Christmas package this year?

This year’s Christmas package is again full of typical products such as nuts, cheese and of course ‘real’ Italian pasta. Or will it be something this year that really has added value. For example, last year some employees gave their staff an extra large fleece rug, as an aid in times of high energy bills. What will employers come up with this year?

You would hardly expect it, but the preparations for the Christmas packages started months ago. And according to Marit Krom, project manager for Christmas packages at gift package company More Than Gifts, ‘vitality’ is the trend of the season this year.

“At the fairs we mainly saw products related to fitness,” says Krom. “We therefore have a bicycle backpack that serves as a regular backpack and as a bicycle bag. In addition, the product is made from recycled materials.” One of the core conditions for the company in Kennemerland that focuses on sustainable, ecological and fair trade products.

New legislation

Employers are also trying to respond to new legislation in the workplace. From next year it will be prohibited to use disposable paper cups. Krom also wants to get started with this.

“We have a reusable cup made of cane sugar, and we notice that many employers are responding to the new legislation by adding this product to the package.” You can also expect these in your Christmas package.

What do the North Hollanders want?

North Hollanders on the street are clearly less concerned with trends within Christmas packages and mainly hope for the good old manufacturer. “Delicious cookies and soup,” said a woman at the market in Wormerveer.

Another woman indicates that she would like to receive something that really benefits her. “Preferably a gift voucher, so I can buy something that will be useful to me.”
