‘Only’ one in ten Drenthe feels unsafe in their own neighborhood

In Drenthe, 10.4 percent of people occasionally or often feel unsafe in their own neighbourhood. This makes our province after Friesland (9.4 percent) the province with the lowest feeling of insecurity, according to Statistics Netherlands figures from the Safety Monitor. Nationally, an average of one in six people sometimes feels unsafe.

Of the 10.4 percent in Drenthe, 9.2 percent sometimes feel unsafe in the neighbourhood. The remaining 1.2 percent often feel unsafe.

Respondents could also give a score. Friesland also scored the highest nationally with a 7.8. Drenthe comes close behind and scored a 7.7. In addition, 36.5 percent of the Drenthe surveyed are satisfied with the behavior of the police in their neighbourhood.

less unsafe

According to the CBS survey, fewer people currently feel unsafe in their own neighborhood than ten years ago. About a quarter of the Dutch say that they regularly do not want to open the door in the evening. About ten percent avoid unsafe places or walk around.


The data is also broken down by major cities. In Emmen, 14.5 percent sometimes feels unsafe in their neighbourhood, 1.8 percent often feels unsafe. The score is 7.5 and 36.4 percent of the residents of Emmen are satisfied with the police in their area.
