Only life: Jouni Hynynen regrets his decision as a parent: “The first year was terrible”

Jouni Hynyse became a father in 2004.

Jouni Hynynen had a child when Home Industry was at the peak of its popularity. Pete Anikari

In 2003, the rock band Kotiteollisuus rose to the public’s attention at the latest, when From Hell to East -album came out and immediately became number one in the charts.

The band’s singer Jouni Hynynen says what will be seen on Friday Only life – in the episode that the pace was so fast at that time that I couldn’t keep up myself.

In August 2004, Hynyse became a father.

– The daughter was born during the hardest rollercoaster I had going on, Hynynen recalls in the program.

– My daughter’s first year was pretty terrible. I wasn’t home much. I was at gigs or making a record.

Hynynen says that she justified her absence to herself by saying that a baby does not need its father during the first year, only its mother.

– When you think about it afterwards, it’s a terrible thought. Because they both need me, the mother and of course the little child.

Hynynen says that she still has a bad conscience about how she took care of her early years as a parent. Today, he feels that things are better.

– She is balanced, a good person, Hynynen describes her now adult daughter Only life in the episode.

Hynynen divorced his daughter’s mother in January 2013. Today, Hynynen is married to an actor Mari Perankoski with.

Only life on Fridays at Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.

Jouni Hynynen’s 50th anniversary interview in Iltalehti’s Uncensored Daily Breast program in 2020. IL-TV
