Only for five days: SAULT are giving away 5 new albums as downloads

SAULT are considered the Banksys of international pop music: the identities of the British collective are unknown, their music appears in unconventional ways and regularly inspires critics. Their third record UNTITLED (BLACK IS) was available online as a free download in 2020, was voted album of the month in the Musikexpress and “impressively set Black Lives Matter in sound”, as ME author Frank Sawatzki wrote in his review. It went on to say: “In their songs, Sault ignited with sound materials from post-punk, funk, jazz and soul, they put fuses in the sound rooms of the South Bronx legends ESG or directly to Motown and mixed R’n’B along the way slim these days.” The follow-up NINE was streamed online for 99 days in June 2021 and made it to number 4 of our 50 best records of the year, the ten tracks made up “an intensive documentary about the Growing Up in London, a harsh Afrobigbeat panorama , in which playground chants, R’n’B zeitgeist and more traditional Cleo Sol-style soul ballads are allowed to fall.”

Now SAULT have followed suit, and not just once: the band has recorded five new albums and is currently offering them on their website for free download. The catch: This download is only supposed to work for five days, the time window began on November 1st, 2022. “We will release 5 albums on November 1st as an offering to God,” SAULT wrote on Twitter: “Available for free download for 5 days . The password to unlock all 5 albums is in the message. Love Sault x.”

If you don’t like guessing, the password is “godislove”.

The five albums are called “(Untitled) God”11”AIIR”Earth” and “Today & Tomorrow”.
